Check if a card is of MAESTRO type.

Find list and ranges of MAESTRO BINs. Use BIN lookup app to search specific MAESTRO BIN.

( 13233 BINs Found )

Bank Type Country BIN
---- Debit Slovenia 677143
---- Debit Slovenia 677014
---- Debit Slovenia 676325
---- Debit Slovenia 589789
---- Debit Slovenia 676324
---- Debit Slovenia 676226
---- Debit Slovenia 670507
---- Debit Slovenia 676326
---- Debit Slovenia 676327
---- Debit Kyrgyzstan 677689
---- Debit Kazakhstan 677282
---- Debit Kazakhstan 677643
---- Debit Bulgaria 676064
---- Debit Bulgaria 676069
---- Debit Bulgaria 670823
Hebros Bank, Ltd. Debit Bulgaria 676060
---- Debit Bulgaria 676073
---- Debit Slovenia 677181
---- Debit Slovenia 676270
---- Debit Slovakia 677725
---- Debit Slovakia 676191
---- Debit Slovakia 676219
---- Debit Slovakia 589602
---- Debit ---- 589018
---- Debit Singapore 508233
---- Debit Jordan 589367
---- Debit Italy 674356
---- Debit Italy 674716
---- Debit Italy 676507
---- Debit Italy 676525
Bank Of America Debit United States 504870
Bank Of America Debit United States 502463
---- Debit Italy 674721
---- Debit Italy 674711
---- Debit Italy 676649
---- Debit Italy 676419
---- Debit Italy 674541
---- Debit Italy 674328
---- Debit Italy 674732
---- Debit Italy 674544
---- Debit Italy 676551
---- Debit Italy 674693
---- Debit Italy 674707
---- Debit Italy 677022
---- Debit Italy 677123
---- Debit Serbia 676911
---- Debit Serbia 677068
---- Debit Italy 674577
---- Debit Italy 674445
---- Debit Italy 674301
---- Debit Italy 674767
---- Debit Italy 677027
---- Debit United States 500766
---- Debit Israel 601973
---- Debit Serbia 677061
Sahand Samaneh Mahpa Co Loyalty Card Debit Iran 636325
---- Debit Bosnia and Herzegovina 670568
---- Debit Bosnia and Herzegovina 676416
---- Debit San Marino 676581
---- Debit Bosnia and Herzegovina 670608
---- Bosnia and Herzegovina 670986
---- Debit Russia 677302
---- Debit Russia 676877
---- Debit Russia 677413
Evrofinance Mosnarbank Debit Russia 606801
---- Debit Russia 677256
---- Debit Russia 670581
Vtb24 Debit Russia 676888
---- Debit Russia 677661
---- Debit Romania 670617
---- Debit Bermuda 601880
---- Debit Belgium 670306
---- Debit Hungary 676890
---- Debit Hungary 675752
---- Debit Hungary 676427
---- Debit Portugal 670809
---- Debit Portugal 670806
---- Debit Portugal 505433
---- Debit Belgium 670384
---- Debit Belgium 670339
---- Debit Belgium 670331
---- Debit Hungary 676615
Inter-Europa Bank Rt. Debit Hungary 676129
---- Debit Belgium 670364
---- Debit Belgium 670329
---- Debit Belgium 670366
---- Debit Belgium 670378
---- Debit Belgium 670374
---- Debit Belgium 670377
---- Debit Belgium 670320
---- Debit Belgium 670347
---- Debit Belgium 670334
---- Debit Belgium 670311
---- Debit Belgium 670354
---- Debit Belgium 670322
---- Debit Belgium 670398
---- Debit Belgium 670345
---- Debit Belgium 670665
---- Debit Belgium 670300
---- Debit Belgium 670365